Symptom bingo
You might feel stress in your body: your jaw clenches, your breathing tightens and your heart races. Your system goes into fight-flight or even freeze.
You might struggle with social situations or feel a sense of panic. Perhaps your mind floods with catastrophic thoughts.
You might wake way too early and struggle to get back to sleep. Or find yourself fiddling with your phone for hours on end to get by.
Maybe you’ve always experienced anxiety, or it’s triggered by work, money worries or a relationship struggle.
Either way, anxiety can feel overwhelming and crap.
The good news: effective techniques to feel better in the moment
In a nutshell, anxiety is a state of self-protection in overdrive. The sensation of imminent threat is very real, even if the actual threat isn’t.
Sometimes we know what the trigger is: there’s a problem looming over us. Or sometimes we just feel on-edge.
We’ll work on effective ways to lower emotional arousal and bring your thinking brain back online. We’ll find your capability and resources for tackling whatever the problem may be.
If your anxiety was triggered by a nasty experience or difficult past, we can swiftly deal with that too.